What can you find in an IT office, besides a coffee machine and a fridge replenished with alternative milk and cheese on Mondays? Bookcrossing is an offline "social network" for exchanging books you've read. And if the geniuses of the IT world, mentors, and employees of the TeachMeSkills programming school office were to collect their own bookshelf, here are the books you would find there. We are sharing a selection of useful things for pumping up professional skills and unloading after a busy day.
Although Pavel Durov created one of the most secure messengers, he was still unable to foresee users' interest in stories and reactions to messages. And they have dramatically changed social media marketing service communication and business as a whole. The author of "The Black Swan: The Unpredictable" Nassim Taleb is convinced that such events, which do not fit into the framework of the most fantastic predictions, give impetus to both history and the existence of an individual. This book is not a textbook on economics. Collected under one spine are the thoughts of an extraordinary man about life and the search for his place.
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and owner of the aerospace company Blue Origin, prefers non-fiction to fiction. One of his favorite works is the novel The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. The book tells the story of an aging English butler in ascetic syllables. This text, imbued with love for the aristocracy and a fading estate, is stitched with thin threads of questions: was it worth sacrificing freedom and forgetting loved ones for the sake of selfless service to the great master? And was there happiness in this?
Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of the Meta-universe, is inspired by the thought of distant worlds separating humanity with a network of intertwined cables and servers. This is not surprising, because his bedside books are Homer's Iliad and Odyssey , which are considered the oldest surviving monuments of ancient Greek literature. Gods and Men are mixed in these poems about the epic battles of the Trojan War, the long journey home, loyalty, death and love.

Are you wondering how to reduce the project development time so that it can be completed within the budget and without compromising the quality? Then the teachers of the course "Product Manager" advise you to read the business novel by Eliyahu Goldratt "Critical Chain". The book reveals the author's concept of the theory of constraints as applied to project management. Goldratt offers methods for solving global problems that arise in the project environment.
HR specialists advise attaching a photo to a resume and highlighting the main points of the text in bold. Why? In the course "HR Generalist" TMS mentors will reveal the secrets of finding the perfect CV and the tricks of interviewing candidates. But you can learn more about the psychology of thinking in the book "Thinking, Fast and Slow". Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman. In it, the author talks about the nature of irrational behavior and making wrong decisions.