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Everyone is a Product Manager









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It can also be fixedformat text or JSON that can be assigned a fixed schematic. This type of data requires the data platform to have metadata management capabilities. This part will be introduced in "When we talk about metadata, what are we talking about" . This type of table structure is interacted with in the wizard or drag and drop in the form of a twodimensional table. No table structure Those without a table structure are relatively more complicated. Sometimes you can force a table structure to be given to such a thing without a table structure. Sometimes

it can only be converted into a script to achieve mapping. This specific Austria WhatsApp Number data source was analyzed in detail. How much the data source supports reflects the strength of the capability. Similarly, as a product, each data source may have its own characteristics and require personalized design. The product manager will be familiar with various types of data sources. Personally, I feel that this is also a part of the design of data integration products. Troublesome point. As for various unstructured documents, pictures, audio and video, etc. They are not within the category of big data platform. I have also mentioned unstructured big data platforms and unstructured big data governance before. But I haven't come across a particularly good product so far.

This article was originally published by data on . Reprinting without permission is prohibited. The title picture comes from Unsplash, based on the CC agreement The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services. Appreciate collect like For more exciting content, please follow Everyone is a Product Manager WeChat official account or download the App data synchronization Data platform data integration share data clerk focus on Share some personal thoughts on data and data platforms. Public account Data Clerk works total reads recommended to you Digital product manager You need to pay attention to these key points when building a digital platform  views Digital product manager You need to pay attention to these key points when building a digital platform The data fluctuated again .


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