The month of March offers many opportunities to carry out marketing actions for restaurants with a high capacity to attract new customers : from slightly geeky parties that mark the prelude to what is to come in May to Victorian-style masked balls. In this article we provide you with some marketing strategies for restaurants that you can implement to fill your dining rooms.
Getting ahead of Geek Pride Day
May 25th is the day of geek pride . It is not the only date that fans of video games, science fiction films and fantasy novels have. May 4th is also celebrated as Star Wars day , which each year has more traction. But before all this, what?
March brings with it a marketing calendar for restaurants packed Phone Number List with special dates for lovers of science, technology, culture and fantasy. By marketing to these cohorts of people, we are not only increasing our business volume on special dates, but we are also positioning ourselves advantageously for other similar special dates.
How to get it? On Antiques Day (March 2) you could organize a small antiques fair. National Cherry Blossom Day (March 3) is reminiscent of the pink petaled rosettes or sakura iconic to Japanese culture, so you can attract the attention of Japanophiles with decorations and themes related to the country of the rising sun . Nintendo and its mascot character are also imported from Japan : on Mario Day (March 10) you can organize a tournament, speedrun or challenge related to the legendary franchise.
We also import Nintendo and its mascot character from Japan: on Mario Day (March 10) you can organize a tournament, speedrun or challenge related to the legendary franchise.
But that's not all. National Milky Way Day falls on March 12, so astronomy and home telescope lovers will be looking for any excuse to enjoy a dinner under the stars with some extra entertainment . Also space-related, but with a less serious tone, is National Alien Abduction Day (March 20), which could extend the carnival costume season a little further. All these strange events are brought to a close by Pi Day (March 14), a day marked with a red circle on the mathematicians' calendar.
Carnivals for everyone
Carnivals have a long tradition in some autonomous communities such as Galicia or the Canary Islands, although in each place the celebration takes on a different tone.
This variety of ways to celebrate is very versatile for restaurants that want to boost their flow of diners during the five days of the celebration. Thus, from March 2 to 5, all kinds of events are possible, from costume contests to masked balls.
To get the most out of restaurant marketing strategies focused on Carnival, you just need to know the tastes of your clientele in detail and what visitors expect from your establishment. It is clear that if your restaurant is classic and offers a luxury experience, an exciting and intriguing masked ball is more appropriate than other solutions that could work wonders in a casual restaurant.